Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Yeah but when Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't start to eat the people. -Jurassic Park (1993)

To make up for missing last weeks installment:
9 questions with numbers for answers, 1 with a number in the question...

1. How many lines did Dumbo have in the Disney animated film Dumbo?

2. How many horse drew the buck in Stagecoach?

3.What percent of the action in Springtime for Hitler was sold in The Producers?

4. How many Von Trapp children were there in The Sound Of Music?

5. How many months did Henry Higgins give himself to make a lady of Eliza in My Fair Lady?

6. How many biplanes shot down King Kong in 1933?

7. What stretch of time was Cool Hand Luke sentenced to?

8. How many members of the commando force survived the assault on the bridge on the River Kwai?

9. How many broke out, however briefly, in The Great Escape?

10. What film saw Bud Baxter stuck in Section W, Desk 861, of the Ordinary Policy Department?

ETA: Answers in comments

1 comment:

anne57 said...

1. 0
2. 6
3. 25,000%
4. 7
5. 6
6. 4
7. 2 years
8. 1
9. 76
10. The Apartment