Sunday, June 24, 2007

To make yard-long green bean soup, first you must have some yard-long green beans.

It's been a busy week at work and elsewhere, but thankfully it is now over. This weekend I planted seeds in the garden for basil, chives, and yard-long green beans. The Basil, because I have a problem paying the high prices in the grocery store for the fresh stuff and so many summer recipes require it. The chives just because. The yard-long green beans because a long time ago (maybe 15 years) I saw and episode of Yan Can Cook with my brother in which he made yard-long green bean soup. It was the funniest cooking show we had ever seen, if only because Yan cannot say "r"'s very well and it sounded sort of like 'yawd-long gween-bean' soup. Only he said it really fast..over and over again. Here's what youtube digs up for Yan:

Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to make some yard-long green bean soup for myself.

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