Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting, was I think, a big success. -Toy Story (1995)

It's trivia time once again, on schedule for once! (Question, is it still a schedule if it rarely follows it? This of course akin to the age old, if a tree falls in the forest...)

1. What was blown up in Blow-Up?

2. What Fellini film opened with a helicopter lifting a statue of Christ out of Rome?

3. What medal was Raymond Shaw awarded in The Manchurian Candidate?

4. What Bogart film was so complicated that the director said: "Neither the author, the writer nor myself knew who had killed whom"?

5. What did Clark Gable call the sheet he strung up between him and Claudette Colbert in It Happened One Night?

ETA: Answers in the comments


J. Bowman said...

Every time I see the title Blow-Up, I think of Blow Out, the classic view into the world of competitive hairstyling. Or was that Blow Dry?
8.5 is the only film I immediately identify as Fellini, and I don't think that's how it opened.
3. Medal of Honor? I've seen both versions of this film. I preferred the remake - less Sinatra.
4 has to be The Big Sleep.

anne57 said...

1. A photograph.
2. La Dolce Vita
3. It was indeed the Medal of Honor.
4. The Big Sleep
5. The walls of Jericho.

La Dolce Vita was one of the first films that I saw after I started conciously watching movies from 1001 MYMSBYD. I imagine the film is better if you speak italian, but between the rapid conversation which I read in subtitles and the length of the film, I didn't care too much for the film. It is supposed to be an indictment of the celebrity lifestyle, which it accomplishes. Another trivia point is that the word "papparazzi" comes from this film by way of a camera toting tabloid photographer named papparazo.

Blow-Up I saw just recently and is another indictment on the celebrity lifestyle (1001 MYMSBYD even compares it to La Dolce Vita in this respect). It has more of structured plot though and revolves around a photographer trying to figure out if he photographed a murder or whether it is all in his head. It also includes a performance by The Yardbirds with both Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck.

The TCM intro for The Big Sleep said that Humphrey Bogart and Howard Hawks sent a telegram to Raymond Chandler asking him to clarify who had killed certain characters in the story; he replied that he didn't know either.