Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I like to look for things no one else catches. I hate the way drivers never look at the road in old movies. -Amelie (2001)

There are two kinds of trivia questions- those I know the answer to and those I don't. Questions in the first group seem obvious, questions in the second group-interesting and tricky. That said, I'm trying to avoid the questions that only require basic plot knowledge to answer (e.g. What Hitchcock film featured Jimmy Stewart as a new photographer with a broken leg?) and stick with the latter-you had to be paying attention, or be a good guesser type. Here's this weeks movie trivia:

Q: What film featured an aerial attack at Prairie Stop, a deserted bus stop on Highway 41? (A trickier question for this film would be: When Eve Kendall says "I never discuss love on an empty stomach," what do her lips actually say that had to be overdubbed to meet decency standards?)

Q: What film had Delta 9 nerve gas not sprayed over Fort Knox?

On Screen:
Q: How many characters took part in the final airport scene in Casablanca?

Q: What U.S. First Lady did John Huston tell Katharine Hepburn to play Rosie like for The African Queen?

Q: What was the first scene filmed in the making of Gone With The Wind?

Answers in a day or so.


anne57 said...

1. North By Northwest, and "I never make love on an empty stomach."

2. Goldfinger

3. 5

4. Eleanor Roosevelt

5. The burning of Atlanta

J. Bowman said...

Didn't know the GWTW question, or the dubbed line in NNW.
But I don't know where they get 5 for the final airport scene in Casablanca. The final scene is just Rick and Louie. In fact, there's no point in the entire airport exchange where there are five characters, because by the time Major Strasser shows up, Victor and Ilsa have left, and once he gets shot, six police show up.

anne57 said...

I haven't seen Casablanca in a while, but this is what I get by typing Casablanca final scene into google: link. I would guess TP is counting Rick, Ilsa, Renault, Strasser, and Lazlo as the five. The orderly leaves right away, and the Gendarme character was not credited (according to imdb). So I guess if I were going to argue for the correctness of the answer, I would argue that the word 'character' is significant in the question and TP is not counting extras as characters. But more than likely they got it wrong and since there are only five memorable characters with speaking parts that's how they arrived at the answer. Thesepeople fact checked the genus edition of TP and found that about 5% of the questions were either wrong or only partially correct. I'm more of a stickler though because I think that the incorrect answer in this case punishes the player that knows more about the subject than the average person. This is something that I feel happens pretty regularly with TP though.