Thursday, April 12, 2007

This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather. -Groundhog Day (1993)

I've found the self referential-possibly made up-question in the Silver Screen edition of Trivial Pursuit. Q: What game was invented 40 years to the day after the world priemere of Gone With The Wind? Now onto the more serious fare.

1. What 1972 movie ended with the line: "Andrew, don't forget-be sure to tell them it was just a bloody game"?

2. What two cities provided the settings for Meet Me In St. Louis?

3. What 1949 film's climax took place in the Vienna sewer system?

4. What film opened with William Holden floating face-down in a swimming pool?

5. How many screws unscrewed themselves from the floor grate in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind?

ETA: Answers in the comments.


anne57 said...

1. Slueth
2. St. Louis and New York
3. The Third Man
4. Sunset Boulevard
5. 4

J. Bowman said...

Managed to guess the 4 screws. The rest, I had no clue. I still don't know #1, because somehow the title of the post hides the comment.

anne57 said...

I've noticed that too, I should work on fixing it.
#1 is Slueth