Monday, February 25, 2008

Look a post!

So I realize it's been a little over 5 months since I last posted...

Here's what happened: 1. I went on vacation for two weeks (Hawaii and Oregon) which entailed the blog going on vacation. 2. I came back from vacation. 3. I didn't come back from my blog vacation.

Simple really. Anyhow, here's where things stand: I've reached 308 in the 1001 MYMSBYD count, which feels like alot, and only my ability to do math keeps reminding me that it isn't even a third--still I'm a glass is 30.77% full kinda person. The goal for this year is 400.

Another source of optimism for me is that since the economy in general and the housing market in particular are not doing great I am in a good position to begin the quest for my first house, or rather, townhouse. This will hopefully provide some good blog fodder as process kicks into gear and I'll be motivated to update the blog more frequently hence forth.

Lastly, I did almost manage to finish reading 50 books last year, coming in 75 pages shy of finishing the last one, which I could have totally done if I hadn't watched When Harry Met Sally on New Year's Eve--but that's tradition and you don't mess with tradition. I haven't set any lofting reading goals for this year luckily, because I'd already be way behind.


J. Bowman said...

I had almost stopped reading. Welcome back!
I thought I'd make it to 300 on the movie list by the end of February, but I'm going to be just short. I'm still on pace for 400, though, and I just got Netflix for my birthday. It's on, movie list!

anne57 said...

With Netflix you should easily make 400...maybe by July...