Wednesday, September 5, 2007

There is no spoon. -The Matrix (1999)

1. Who portrayed The Ugly in The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly?

2. What was Gene Kelly's occupation in the 1951 classic An American In Paris?

3. What 1957 film had the line: "Easy enough to talk of soul and spirit and essential worth, but not when you're three feet tall"?

4. What co-star of Shane died at 30 when he slammed his van into the side of a truck in Lakewood, Colorado, in 1972?

5. What was Brian's last name in Monty Python's Life Of Brian?

ETA: answers in the comments.


J. Bowman said...

1. Eli Wallach. Or was he the Bad? Pretty sure that was Lee Van Cleef, but it could have been the other way around.

3. Wizard of Oz?

5. Cohen, although his real father's last name was Maximus.

anne57 said...

1. Eli Wallach
2. A painter
3. The Incredible Shrinking Man. The special effects in this film are the forebears of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy movies.
4. Brandon de Wilde (also in Hud).
5. Cohen